O dawara
1963 - 2023

小田原少年少女合唱隊はクラスⅠ とⅡ にわかれ、卒業生の3団体も一緒に活動しています。また、指導者、運営委員会、後援会、OB会がそれぞれ活動を支えています。OB合唱団のマルベリーに在籍する教員と合唱隊の生徒等の組み合わせや、2世代にわたるメンバーも多く、和気藹々と合唱を楽しんでいます。卒業生は音楽大学に進む人以外に、教師、保母、看護婦など、人と接する仕事に就く人が多いのが特徴です。小田原を中心とした地域から集まっていますが、中には東京・川崎・横浜・鎌倉などから熱心に通っているメンバーもいます。高校3年生まで12年間在籍する人も珍しくありません。
Odawara Children's Choir consists of Class I and Class II, and our 3 alumni choirs also belong to the same organization. The choirs' activities are managed and supported by our Teaching Staff, Staff Association, Support Group, and Ex-members' Association. Some members of our alumni choirs have their pupils in Odawara Children's Choir, and many families have two generations of singers, so we rehearse in a friendly atmosphere. Many graduates go to music academies to persue further music study, while many other ex-members become teachers, nurses etc. which need a lot of good communication skills. Most singers live in/near the city of Odawara, whilst some come from Tokyo and Yokohama spending more than 2 hours for their journey. Some celebrate 12 years' membership when they leave our choir at the age of 18.
Odawara Children's Choir consists of Class I and Class II, and our 3 alumni choirs also belong to the same organization.

現在は年長から高校3年生までの少年少女25名が、小6までのクラスⅠ と、小6~高3のクラスⅡ のふたつに分かれて活動しています。毎年、クラスⅡの選挙で選ばれるリーダーとサブリーダーが合唱隊全体をまとめていきます。また、メンバーは縦割りの4つのグループに分かれ、班長・副班長が音楽的なことはもとより、学校生活の相談なども引き受けています。
Currently 25 children between 6 and 18 years old are divided into 2 classes. Class I consists of children between 6 and 12 years old, and Class II consists of children between 12 and 18 years old. The leader and sub-leader who are elected by the members of the Class II every year contribute a lot to running the choir smoothly. At the same time, the whole choir is divided into 4 vertical groups by age. Each group has a leader and a vice leader who take care of their group members' musical and welfare issues.

We rehearse at our local bank "Sagami Bank" thanks to their generocity and kindness.
Class I
Every Saturday 14:00-16:00 (for 1 hour on their own, then together with Class II for 2 hour)
Class II
Every Saturday 15:00-18:30 (for 1 hour with Class I and for 2 and a half hours on their own), Every Sunday 09:00-12:30 (on their own)
Membership Fee/会費
Enrolment Fee:3,000 Yen
Class I Membership Fee:5,000 Yen monthly
Class II Membership Fee:8,000 Yen monthly
Mulberry Chamber Choir Membership Fee:8.000 Yen monthly
Uniform:1,500 Yen monthly for the 1st year
Sheets of Music, Photos etc.:As appropriate

Teaching Staff/指導者(2022年9月更新)
Taeko Kuwabara has been conducting since its foundation, joined by her daughter Haruko Kuwabara as Music Director.
In 2013, we invited Maestro Ryusuke Numajiri (Japan), pianist Mr.Helmut Deutsch (Austria), 3 choir conductors Mr.Josef Zajíček (Czech Republic), Ms.Sanna Valvanne (Finland/USA) and Mr.Roni Sugiarto (Indonesia) to perform in our concerts as well as to give us lessons and workshops.
In 2014, we invited the Spanish composer and choir conductor Mr.Xabier Sarasola.
Staff Association/運営委員会(2022年9月更新)
運営委員長 岡本美由紀
運営副委員長 中西弘久
運営委員 青木裕子・中林由香子・古性武志・山口めぐみ
Nominated parents run our choir voluntarily. For 59 years, 140 parents have helped us. They wear the same yellow sweat shirts so that the children can find them easily. They accompany the children to concerts and tours, take care of them during their illnesses, provide them with uniforms, collect fees and so on. Currently, 6 staff members are working for the choir. Thanks to their dedication, we have had no accidents since the foundation.

Support Group/後援会
Odawara Children's Choir Support Group was founded in 1987. It has helped us tremendously. If you would like to support us, please have a look at the page about the Support Group.
Ex-members Association/OB会
218 ex-members belong to the association founded 34 years ago. They help us backstage for our concerts, support our tours, and help all our activities giving the younger ones some good advice.