O dawara
1963 - 2023
Odawara Children's Choir
1963年に結成。現在、年長~高校3年生の25名がさがみ信用金庫をお借りして毎週土・日曜日に練習しています。1979年ウィーン青少年国際合唱コンクール4位、1983年イタリア・アレッツォ国際合唱コンクールの児童合唱部門3位、1986年のISMEインスブルック大会と1999年の世界児童合唱祭北京大会で日本代表。 同1999年、全日本合唱コンクール全国大会に於いて児童合唱団ではコンクール史上初めて金賞受賞。2001年の世界児童合唱祭とソングブリッジ・カナダ大会でアジア代表。 同2001年に神奈川文化賞未来賞、2006年プラハ国際合唱コンクール児童合唱部門1位、金賞、最優秀発声賞、2012年イタリアのリヴァ・デル・ガルダ国際合唱コンクールのユース同声合唱部門1位、金賞受賞。2014年、小田原市民功労賞特別賞、2015年、全日本合唱コンクール全国大会金賞受賞。2018年7月の第一回東京国際合唱コンクールではマルベリー・クワイアと一緒に演奏して、同声合唱部門で金賞受賞。

It has been 52 years since the choir’s foundation in 1963. 28 singers ranging from 6 to 18 years old rehearse every Saturday and Sunday. As we believe in every child’s ability and motivation to sing, we have no audition – any child can join our choir. In 2001, as the representative of Asia, we were invited to sing in the prestigious SongBridge in Canada. In 2006, we won 1st place in the Children’s Choir Category of the Young2006Praha (International Choir Competition) as well as the Best Voice Cultivation Prize, and 1st place and Gold Medal in the Equal Voices Youth Choir Category at the Riva del Garda International Choral Competition in Italy in 2012. We were also the first children's choir to win a Gold Medal in the final round at the JCA (Japan Choral Association) Competition. The adult choirs which consist of ex-members of the Odawara Children’s Choir have also won numerous international and national prizes including 1st place at Arezzo, Budapest and Takarazuka. We also represented Japan for the ISME (International Society for Music Education) Conference in Innsbruck and for the World Children's Choir Festival both in Beijing and Vancouver.
Mulberry Choir

Mulberry Choir was formed by high school members and ex-members of Odawara Children's Choir in 1985. 2 months after its foundation, we were awarded the Grand-Prix at the Takarazuka International Chamber Chorus Contest. In 1986, we won 1st place in the Youth Choir Category at the Kodály Zoltán “Singing Youth” International Choral Competition in Hungary, and 1st place in the Choral Folk Music Category at the Arezzo International Choral Competition in 1995. We were also awarded the Grand-Prix in the Final Round at the Japan Choral Association Competition. Our choir was originally named the "Chor Mulberry" based on the family name of our conductor "Ms.Kuwabara" which means "Mulberry". All the singers have studied Vocal Music either at music academies or in private lessons.
Mulberry Male Choir
Mulberry Male Choir was formed by ex-members of the Odawara Children's Choir in 1992. Currently, there are some singers who joined us from outside of our children's choir. We won 2nd place at the Karuizawa Choral Festival Ensemble Contest in 2007, and the Grand-Prix at the Kanagawa Vocal Ensemble Contest in 2008.

Mulberry Chamber Choir

Mulberry Chamber Choir was formed by ex-members of the Odawara Children's Choir in 1998, combining the Mulberry Choir and the Mulberry Male Choir. Since then, we have won numerous Gold Prizes in the final round at the JCA (Japan Choral Association) Compeition. We did some CD recording with JVC. In 2013, we gave a guest performance at the prestigious Karuizawa International Choral Festival. There are several singers who have been singing in our choirs for more than 30 years. Currently, we are looking for some male singers.
代表・指揮: 桑原妙子
Founder&Conductor: Taeko Kuwabara
フェリス女学院大学音楽学部声楽科卒。発声を木下武久氏に、声楽を佐々木成子氏に師事。小田原少年少女合唱隊を創立時から56年間指揮する他、マルベリー・クワイア、マルベリー・メールクワイア、マルベリー・チェンバークワイア、しほみコール、Voce di Carillon等を指揮。フェリス女学院大学音楽学部講師を経て、朝日カルチャーセンター講師、神奈川県合唱連盟顧問、NHK音楽コンクール審査員。インドネシアのバンドゥンITB国際合唱コンクール、宝塚国際室内合唱コンテスト審査員。2006年、チェコ・プラハ国際合唱コンクール最優秀指揮者賞を受賞。

Taeko Kuwabara is a well known choral conductor, singing teacher and adjudicator in Japan. After graduating in Vocal Music from the Ferris University, she founded the Odawara Children’s Choir which she has been conducting for 56 years. With this choir, she has won many international awards including 1st Prize, Special Award for Outstanding Voice Cultivation and Best Conductor Performance in the Young2006Prague in the Czech Republic, and 1st Prize in the Youth Equal Voices Choir Category at the Riva del Garda International Choir Competition, Italy. Nationally her choir was the first children's choir to win a Gold Medal at the JCA (Japan Choral Association) Competition. She has also won many international awards, including 1st Prizes at Arezzo in Italy, Budapest in Hungary and Takarazuka in Japan, conducting the Mulberry Choir (female choir), and also many national awards with the Mulberry Chamber Choir, both of which consist of former members of her children’s choir. She has also taught Choral Music at the Ferris University and serves regularly as a jury member of choral competitions in Japan. She is renowned for her voice cultivation skills. She has served as a jury member for international choir competitions including ITB International Choral Competition in Indonesia and Takarazuka International Chamber Chorus Contest in Japan.
音楽監督: 桑原春子
Music Director: Haruko Kuwabara
国際基督教大学(ICU)教養学部人文科学科卒業。音楽学を金澤正剛氏に師事。ハンガリー政府国費留学生としてリスト音楽院でピアノと音楽学(合唱曲)を専攻。その後、ロンドンのギルドホール音楽学校でピアノ、チェンバロ、伴奏法、作曲を学び、1993年ピアノ伴奏科修了。 ピアノをコルネール・ゼンプレーニ、ピーター・フォイヒトヴァンガー各氏に師事。ピアニスト・チェンバリストとしてスウェーデンで活動後、拠点をイギリスに戻し在英27年。また、合唱のワークショップや国際合唱コンクール審査も務める。日本には毎月帰国し、小田原少年少女合唱隊、マルベリー・クワイア、マルベリー・チェンバークワイアの音楽監督を務める。インドネシアのバンドゥンITB国際合唱コンクールおよびFPS合唱コンクール、宝塚国際室内合唱コンテスト審査員。インドネシア「聖アンジェラ児童・ユース合唱フェスティバル2014」芸術監督・審査員。チェコのユース・児童合唱祭「Porta Musicae 2014」講師・客演指揮者。イギリス合唱指揮者協会(ABCD)、国際合唱連盟(IFCM)、アメリカ合唱指揮者協会(ACDA)各会員。全日本合唱連盟(JCA)国際委員会委員。1972~1982年小田原少年少女合唱隊に、1985~1989年マルベリー・クワイアに在籍。

Haruko Kuwabara was originally trained as a concert pianist. She started to sing in Odawara Children’s Choir at the age of 7. She studied musicology with the world renowned scholar Dr. Masakata Kanazawa at the International Christian University (ICU) in Tokyo, specializing in Renaissance music 1983-1988 (BA). Having been awarded a Hungarian Government Scholarship, she studied Piano and Choral Music at the Liszt Music Academy in Budapest 1989-1991, then Piano, Cembalo and Composition as well as completing a Post-Graduate Piano Accompaniment Course at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London 1991-1993. Her piano teachers include Mr.Kornél Zempléni and Mr.Peter Feuchtwanger. After having worked as a concert pianist and cembalist in Sweden 1993-1995, she came back to the UK where she lives permanently. While continuing her career as a concert pianist, she goes back to Japan every month to serve as the Music Director of the Odawara Children’s Choir, the Mulberry Choir (female) and the Mulberry Chamber Choir (mixed), which have won many international and national prizes including 1st place in Takarazuka (Grand-Prix) in 1985, Budapest (Youth Choirs Category) in 1986, Arezzo (Folksong Category) in 1995, Prague (Children’s Choirs Category) in 2006 and Riva del Garda (Youth Equal Voices Category) in 2012. Her wide ranging programming for these choirs is highly acclaimed in Japan. She is a member of the Association of British Choral Directors (ABCD), the International Federation for Choral Music (IFCM), and the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) . She has served as a jury member for international choir competitions including ITB International Choral Competition in Indonesia and Takarazuka International Chamber Chorus Contest in Japan. She is the Artistic Director and adjudicator of the "Saint Angela Children and Youth Choir Festival 2014" in Bandung, Indonesia, and also a Board Member of the JCA (Japan Choral Association) International Relations Committee.